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EVOLVE: looking absolutely Kraken…

Oi. Where’s my copy ?
The release date’s been pushed back from 21 October to 10 February. The official stance is that the game needed more time but it’s just as likely to be that October was already jam packed with triple A releases and Turtle Rock wanted a bit more of a fanfare to surround the release. So you won’t be getting a copy of Evolve in your Halloween stocking, sorry.

Well, I've lost interest. Why should I wait four more months ?
If the asymmetric play doesn't sell it, then maybe the class system will. Eight hunters over four classes means exploring new combinations will be the key to forming a solid strategy. Do you need a constant healing top-up or plenty of reviving? Short-range, powerful assault or would you rather keep your distance?

I don't really care. I hate my friends and I want to be the monster.
Fair enough two of the three monsters have been revealed: Goliath is your standard punchy tank, but Kraken, described as a sort of “Cthulhu wizard”, is a more delicate flower. When we had a go, it was all about keeping your distance and using long range attacks to buy time, then going all-out in the final evolutionary stage.

Sounds a bit unfair four against one?
It’s actually quite well balanced. The monster has the ability to sneak, in order to not leave footprints, and at the start you’re given three points to spend on bonuses more health, more damage or some cool missile-like attacks. Elite wildlife found across the map offer bonuses when killed but hunters can claim these, too.

I suppose I can wait, then. Anything to sweeten the deal?
Loads the team is planning a buffet of DLC, including free maps and new monsters and hunters. If you can’t wait for February to get a taste, there’s an Xbox One exclusive beta launching in January. And if you’re still not sure, there’s also a statue of Goliath available for only $750.

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