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Gothic Remake Enters Full Production for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X

Back in 2019 THQ Nordic released a playable teaser for a potential remake of the 2001 hit RPG Gothic. After watching players for the last couple of months, and analysing their responses to the user survey, THQ Nordic has announced that a full-on Gothic remake is now in full production for PS5, Xbox Series X and PC, though the publisher is keen to stress that the game will not be releasing this year.
THQ Nordic will open a new development studio in sunny Barcelona, Spain, which will spearhead development on the Gothic remake based on what players liked and what they’d like differently from the playable teaser.
“We are up for the challenge to develop a full Gothic Remake which will stay as faithfully as possible to the original experience and transport the atmospheric world of Gothic into a high-quality look and carefully modernizing certain gameplay mechanics,” says Reinhard Pollice Business and Product Development Director at THQ Nordic.
It’s another case of THQ Nordic bringing back a long-forgotten franchise, and I can’t find a single bad thing to say about that. Fair play to THQ Nordic, and best of luck to those who are tasked with creating this ambitious remake

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