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Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem - Bleeding Edge Build Guide (Fast Map Clearer) - GW

Poe style Balde Vortex Build for fast early map clearing speeds!

Guide to Bleeding Edge Build

Great Clearspeed and Survivability for Low Level Maps

I wanted to present you a short guide for a Bleeding Edge build, which is great for leveling and the early map clearing until level 50.

The build is build around the attack "Bleeding Edge" which is very op in the release version of the game (So prob get nerfed in the next patches).

You only have to cast the skill every few second to get a spinning blade around you and then you just run through mobs and bosses like nothing.

The key is that I found out that you don`t really need to invest points in damage in the passive tree (I think the +damage points are not multiplicate after a bit of testing) instead you go full movement speed + life leech + the key ability "frenzied blows" in the child of fury specialization. Which makes the Bleeding Edge ticks double damage aslong as you cast the spell above 750 fury points.

This gives me 20-30k crits per tick of bleeding edge with a standard legendary two hander at level 50! And a crazy basic movement speed of 9,5m/s!

The required 750 fury points are easily aquired through the points invested in Warmonger Spec tree "appetide for bloodshed" which gives you 35 rage per kill + the child of fury point "furios appetide".

For the Attributes I followed the rule all in Ferocity and only points in agility to get near 0% attack speed because we use a two handed weapon during leveling.

Have a look at my video where i hover over the key points of the build and a full clear of an expedtition with all 3 maps at max magic find I could get (the run took about 8min for all three maps with no deaths):

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